Şebnem started her personal project that name is “TURN YOUR FACE” . This is a photo project. It is about violence aganist women and women rights.
“Everyday not only all around the earth lots of women killed by their sons, husbands, partners, in summary by men.But also everyday you can rad lots of news on journal or on TV about women murderer. According to this case, i like to do social awareness project about women rights. I am working with “we will stop the women murderer platform” in Turkey also here , in Tunisia , collaborate with ATFD . As I told, we haven’t got true statistic about women murderer. Cause when women violence by man, they try to hide this case from their society. We can understand that. Cause according to women , it is kind of “shame”
There are so many kind of violence; social, physical, psychological , mobbing like that. I would like explain that why this project interest especially about physical violence? Cause physical violence on the most important point. this circle working generally like that, first psychological violence and then it is following physical violence, after this point mostly end comes with womenmurderer. If we able to catch this point and we can succeed for break the circle or make awareness. This project created around this idea . And it can be a part of awareness like lots of project about women.
With this project I intend to make visible the invisible. Women are encouraged to be courageous in the face of violence. Each photo or message that you send can give moral support. The project is based on a voluntary basis. Hence, no tangible purpose."
Here is the facebook project page adress
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